Stopping and starting mid-print

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Stopping / Pausing a print

Pausing and resuming a print
To pause a print:
  1. Press the center button on the Viki controller circle
  2. Scroll to "Pause Print"
  3. Confirm by pressing the center button on the Viki controller circle

Please Note

  1. If you paused the print and the hot-end nozzle is in contact with the print there will become an imperfection in the print.
  2. If you pause the print and then move the print head you will need to home the X and Y axis before resuming the print.

If you wish to start mid-print

  1. Determine the height at which you wish to start printing.
  2. For this example we determined the height to be 7.05mm. There are two ways to determine the height.
    1. When the print was paused you can query the Z position by typing into Pronterface the command M114 and the current position will be echoed back to the screen
    2. Measure the height of the partial print using a set of calipers or other precision measuring device.
  3. Search the G-code file you are using to find that layer height.
layer 19, Z = 7.43578
G0 X530.668 Y198.055 F6000
G0 Z7.436 F200
G1 E-0.06 F3000
G92 E0
G1 X529.904 Y198.641 E0.0335 F2700
G1 X529.319 Y199.404 E0.067
G1 X528.95 Y200.293 E0.1006

Copy Z move

  1. Find the G0 Z7.055 F200 command above
  2. Copy and paste it just before the G0 X and Y move like this:
layer 19, Z = 7.43578
G0 Z7.436 F200
G0 X530.668 Y198.055 F6000
G0 Z7.436 F200
G1 E-0.06 F3000
G92 E0
G1 X529.904 Y198.641 E0.0335 F2700
G1 X529.319 Y199.404 E0.067
G1 X528.95 Y200.293 E0.1006

Edit the G-code file

Removing everything between the start G-code and the beginning of the new layer.

Start G-code looks like this:

G90 ; use absolute coordinates
M82 ; absolute extrusion distances
G21 ; set units to millimeters
M106 S255
M140 S60
M190 S60
M104 S205 T0
M109 S205 T0
M92 X118.52 ; calibrate X
M92 Y118.52 ; calibrate Y
M92 Z4031.5 ; calibrate Z
M92 E1850 ; calibrate E
M220 S100
M221 S100
M201 X1500 Y1500
G92 E0
G1 E5.0 F100
G92 E0
G0 Z 0.2223
G92 E0
G1 E-3 F3000
layer 19, Z = 7.43578
G0 Z7.436 F200
G0 X530.668 Y198.055 F6000
G0 Z7.055 F200
G1 E-0.06 F3000
G92 E0
G1 X529.904 Y198.641 E0.0335 F2700
G1 X529.319 Y199.404 E0.067
G1 X528.95 Y200.293 E0.1006

. . . .